Returns & Refunds

As we promised you to weave your happiness, if you are not happy with your product or would like to exchange it, we’re here to help.

To request a refund, please contact us and we’ll get back to you with all of the information specific to your country of ordering. We’ll then refund you as soon as the return has been received.

Refund and Exchange policy
Manufacturing issue: rips, discoloration
Wrong order shipped

** Refund and exchange not allowed for Products accessories.
** Refund and exchange should be requested within 14 days of purchase.
** In case of refund, the customer will be subjected to shipping fees
** PVC Pillow is not refundable in case of open
** Customized order are not refundable

DUDZ promises you the highest quality standards, Register your details below within 14 days of purchase to activate your warranty.
We will offer you a replacement if you do experience any form of product failure during the first 12 months of your product’s life; including rips and discoloration.
This must be due to product error and not due to other external causes or misuse of the item.

Damages and Issues:
Due to security some shipping companies are not allowing to open the shipment before receiving, However DUDZ guarantee a full refund in case of wrong or damaged order.
Please note: We can only honor our replacement warranty if you have registered below within 14 days of purchase.